Thursday, December 3, 2009

All By Herself (Addie Milestone)

Addie has been eating the little Gerber Puffs for a few weeks now and loves them. Well this morning at breakfast she just reached down and pick one up off her high chair tray and popped it in her mouth like it was now big deal. Me on the other hand started cheering and praising her like any other mom would do. Now she love to pick them up off her tray or out for you hand and feed herself!!! Way to go Addie!!!!!!

One more note to add: Addie pulled her self up in her crib this morning which means time to lower the mattress and start baby proofing because she has been getting up on her hands and knee and rocking or inching her way around on her tummy. I know one of these days I am going to turn around and she will be crawling. Yikes!!